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Surviving the Semester’s End
With the end of the semester approaching, it becomes difficult to find the motivation to complete all of those STRENUOUS tasks that all of the professors happened to schedule on the same day. How can we, as the busy college students we are, accomplish these never-ending assignments with professionalism and

More than Just a Piece of Pizza
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” – John 1:14 Believers spend a lot of time focusing on the death of Christ, which is great because his

Celebrating Progress
The words you are about to read were written on July 20, 2016. I forgot about them until today, but I still want to share them with you all. I have always struggled to celebrate my progress. The people in my life have pleaded with me to see the

Why Beauty is Ugly and How to Redeem It
A few years ago, I shared an article on my Facebook page entitled “Not Everyone is Beautiful.” I was immediately hooked because of its controversial title—I can appreciate a little political incorrectness—and was even more struck by its content. You can go read it for yourself HERE, but the gist

Trusting God When You Don’t Understand
We all have moments in life where we get stressed, doubtful, and start to question God’s timing and plans. We think thoughts like “No God, I’m pretty sure you got this part of my life wrong; this isn’t how it’s supposed to go.” …As if our plans for our

Dear Freshmen
Dear Freshmen, Take advantage of every opportunity. You have almost, almost survived your first semester of college. How exciting! Actually, before you go on reading this, take a minute and pat yourself on the back. Did you? Okay, now we can continue. So yeah, opportunities. It’s common for freshmen to

College is perhaps the one place where individuals are most challenged, most in search of identity, and most in search of answers. Most often it is people, places, and things that hold these answers—what we allow to influence us truly molds us. These past few days I have been

A Change of P(e)ace
New roommate. New living space. New classes. New friends. “New”—a word used to describe the start of every school year. Yet with this newness that comes about, how are we, as children of God, able to find peace in environments that change so frequently? College freshmen are familiar with the

Coming Back to the Heart of Worship
As the semester nears its halfway point and the weather begins to crawl upwards of a constant 40 degrees or less, the words “spring break” evolve from whispers of a distant future to full-fledged conversation. The unofficial halfway point of the semester is, for me at least, a time for

Why You Should Go To Games Even If You Are Not Athletic
Personally, I’m not an athletic person. My siblings played sports, but I’ve never been involved in sports aside from the year or two of soccer that I played when I was roughly ten years old. For the majority of my Cairn “career.” I have avoided sports games and matches, preferring