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World Reach Week: A Week of Discovery
World Reach Week, formally known as Global Missions Week. Some know this week as the week to get out of in class lectures by listening to some unknown person talk about some mission in a country they have never heard of before. Others know it as the week to get

World Feast
Many Americans enjoy so-called “ethnic” food, which has typically been highly Americanized. Very rarely do Americans get to taste food that is truly from another country, in all its authenticity. Cairn University gets a rare opportunity to showcase authentic food from around the world, allowing students to have this chance

Communication on Campus
Information has always been an important aspect in our daily lives. To spread information, mankind has developed many creative ways of communication. From the days of messengers sent by kings to deliver a message, to Scrolls (the Cairn Scroll?) containing information, to using pigeons, telegrams, telephones, e-mails, text messages. The

Enactus End-of-Year RIDE Reflection
Cairn Enactus has conducted RIDE (Résumé, Interview, Dress, Etiquette) seminars and mock interviews on campus for 16 years, but this year was the best. On February 11, RIDE began with a seminar on how to conduct a job search. On February 24, RIDE mock interviews were held with over 100

To Be Out of the Cairn Loop
This semester, I have felt completely out of the loop at Cairn. Sure, I am the editor of The Scroll, and so I know what’s going on regarding the specific topics that students choose to write about. However, I feel much more out of touch with the goings-on of Cairn