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Dear Cairn Student
To my dearest Someone, Is it time we finally started seeing other people? Was it something I said, or a weird dream you had? You know… at this point I don’t really care. I was the best thing that ever happened to you, and you know what, I’m pretty awesome.

How-To: Use the Library for Final Papers and Exams
Adjacent to the main Smith building, just to the left of Chatlos Chapel, lies a building that is filled with an abundant amount of knowledge and resources. This building is the Masland Library, a veritable paradise and at the same time the bane of many students’ existence. Some students have

The Apathy of Cairn Students Revealed
Apathy. It’s the worst possible thing that can attack the Christian heart, and with just eighteen days left in the semester, it is a disease that has infected the Cairn community. It spreads from person to person, pervading deep into the heart and mind. We suddenly find ourselves not caring

The Lord is my Cairn
The LORD is my Cairn; I shall not be moved. He makes me lie down in soft dorm beds. He leads me beside still ponds. He restores my grade. He guides me down a different path For his name’s sake. Even though I walk through dark halls Toward final