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Go Fearlessly Into the River
I’m an incoming freshman and my story is not what I thought it would be. You see, I’m a planner and I had a thorough plan. Every inch of it was cozy and familiar, never taking me far from those dear to me. So trust me when I say I

From Freshman to Sophomore
We are almost finished with the school year; can you believe it? In the season of things ending, I was reminded of how this school year began. In doing so, I wanted to take the opportunity to interview one of the freshmen from this year in order to see what

Urban Ministry FYP in a Nutshell
To be a student in the Urban Ministry First Year Program is probably one of the best things to have happened to me. After just leaving high school with a wandering mind and passion to get out there and be involved in this world, I had ambitions and goals set