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The Journey
Fall brings leaves that change from spring greens to magnificent golds and fiery reds. It also brings a brand new school year for students of all ages. This season is particularly significant for college freshmen and seniors alike – both about to embark on new journeys with exciting paths ahead.

Dear Freshmen
Dear Freshmen, Take advantage of every opportunity. You have almost, almost survived your first semester of college. How exciting! Actually, before you go on reading this, take a minute and pat yourself on the back. Did you? Okay, now we can continue. So yeah, opportunities. It’s common for freshmen to

A Love Letter to Freshmen
Freshman Class, I love you. Sorry, was that weird? Too forward? Let me start again: You’ve had a lot of advice thrown at you in the past few weeks. Don’t use a tray. Don’t wear your lanyard. Don’t fall in love. Don’t call your parents every night. And this advice