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The Gap Between Spring Break and Easter Break
Spring break is a wonderful time of the semester. However, returning from break can be very difficult. To bring a little sunshine to these dreary post-spring-break days, here are a list of back-to-school struggles that we can all relate to. Waking up for classes after being able to sleep

Ice-Scrapers and Lightsabers: A Dialogue
SCENE: PENNDEL APT D5. – AFTERNOON ERIC is sitting in a warm chair, dressed in black, watching YouTube. His shoes are off. He is comfortable. Hearing someone fiddling with the door, he looks up from his laptop. Enter SCOTTY, dressed casually in a grey t-shirt. He has just

Eating in the Cafeteria – As Told by GIFs
Whether you’re a resident or a commuter, you have eaten in the cafeteria at least once. Chances are, that one time left a strong impression on you. Here are the most common impressions left upon the student body as we experience years of cafeteria food. (For those of you, like