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It was Homecoming, and Now We’re Going Home
By noon, on that bright and beautiful Saturday, Homecoming was still going strong. There were so many things to be a part of, where would you even start? The girls’ volleyball games were coming to an end. Rides were at their prime time. Lines were formed for the carnival rides,

Coming Home
The Ferris wheel spins slow, under a sky that seems too blue and open to be real. I smile, unable to join in the fun, sitting behind a table, waiting for someone to come up and talk to me. Homecoming, the week that I secretly both dread and love, again

The Indoor Garden
After the Williams’ lawn was drenched by the rain, the annual Garden Party faced a change in location. This year it was held in Chatlos Chapel, with extravagant lights, a large tent, and beautiful candlelit tables. With fresh flowers at every table, Rayhan Owens said “It was amazing to see

Will I Come Back For Homecoming?
Homecoming was a concept I never understood in high school. I was as uninvolved as you possibly could be. All I ever did was go to class and then go home on the first bus that I could take. I went to one dance (a very awkward sophomore formal), and to