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Stop Putting God in a Box
This past summer was a major season of reflection: a season of looking back on all that was taught in previous years, taking it in, and thanking God for everything that was learned so far. Without a doubt in my mind each year is another opportunity and chance to allow God to

More than Just a Piece of Pizza
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” – John 1:14 Believers spend a lot of time focusing on the death of Christ, which is great because his

I Shout From the Crowd
So it is Holy Week once again. From the time I was little, I have known everything about the Easter story. I read the Bible, the children’s books, and watched all of the Veggietales episodes. I had seemingly exhausted the entire crucifixion and resurrection story. So, NEXT! Time

Campus Rock Controversy
I love the paint on the rock. I go up to it and peel off a layer or two and remember the other students that have come before me. Never before had I thought about the rock as a place of controversy; then again, I never thought Trump would be

Spirit Rock and Me: A Dialogue
To anyone reading this who is unfamiliar with Cairn’s campus: On campus, there is a spirit rock that allows students to spray paint whatever is on their mind that they believe should be voiced to the school. Most times, the rock is painted for school related events (ex. “Congrats class

Confessions of a Jesus-Doubter
Lately I have been doubting the worth of my relationship with God. Let’s be real here; we all have periods of doubt where we question whether or our faith in Jesus Christ is really worth all of the struggles that accompany that confession of faith. Because of this doubt,

Prayer After Hours
My knees are calloused, and my shoulders tense. Four missed calls, eight voicemails. (Not as many as You though) One migraine, two broken hearts, three unpaid bills five dimes, six forgotten, seven not known… no hope. Call me hunchback; maybe it’s my posture or maybe You don’t care, but the

Monster Worship– Part 1 of Sweetnasty: A Monstrous Reversal
“We make our own monsters, then fear them for what they show us about ourselves.” ― Mike Carey, The Unwritten, Vol. 1: Tommy Taylor and the Bogus Identity I have a two part article. The goal in the first is to show that at least one aspect of the Halloween