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On Gratitude
“When joy and prayer are married, their first born child is gratitude.” Charles Spurgeon I have noticed recently that gratitude is much more difficult to experience than we often recognize. It is quite easy to complain and point out all the terrible circumstances in life, but 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says

The Myth of Having It All Together
What does it mean to have life all together? Does it mean that you have nothing going wrong in life at all? The first question seems to imply that every person on Earth solely controls their life on their own and that external, unforeseen events do not happen to them.

To Be Out of the Cairn Loop
This semester, I have felt completely out of the loop at Cairn. Sure, I am the editor of The Scroll, and so I know what’s going on regarding the specific topics that students choose to write about. However, I feel much more out of touch with the goings-on of Cairn

Life Outside the Bubble
Being at Cairn has provided me with several opportunities to cross paths with many students and friends. I realized very quickly that some had little support outside of the Cairn community. For those friends, coming to Cairn might have been their first genuine interaction with a loving Christian community focused