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What They Don’t Tell You During World Reach Week
During World Reach Week, speakers talk about the fun and exciting parts of working overseas. Some of you may be wondering if God is leading you in this direction, or if life in another country is truly as wonderful and awe-inspiring as our speakers suggest. If you are considering serving

Life as an MK
As someone who grew up in the largest Muslim populated country in the world (Indonesia), I’ve met several missionaries. In fact, my first ever English-speaking friend was a missionary kid from a family that served in Indonesia. Missionaries are important for the church, as they go out to reach the

World Reach Week: A Week of Discovery
World Reach Week, formally known as Global Missions Week. Some know this week as the week to get out of in class lectures by listening to some unknown person talk about some mission in a country they have never heard of before. Others know it as the week to get

World Feast
Many Americans enjoy so-called “ethnic” food, which has typically been highly Americanized. Very rarely do Americans get to taste food that is truly from another country, in all its authenticity. Cairn University gets a rare opportunity to showcase authentic food from around the world, allowing students to have this chance

New Name, Same Mission
Welcome back, everyone! As I sat in Monday’s chapel, I couldn’t help but notice that “Global Missions Week” has disappeared. In its place, announcements for “World Reach Week” scroll across the screen. Are the two weeks the same? If so, why the name change? To answer this and other questions,

The New Couple on Campus
With the end of Global Missions week, students may wonder, “What do we do now?” I am here to tell you that there is something you can do. Last fall, students started seeing a new couple on campus. They are often spotted with Mu Kappa, and they spend a lot

Did We Forget Someone?
Again, I pose the question: have we as the students of Cairn University forgotten someone? Allow me to tell the story of a group once forgotten, but now seeking revival: Student Missionary Fellowship (SMF). Let’s begin by answering the question everyone first asks: what is SMF? SMF is a student
Love Thy Neighborhood
Soft-spoken Abigail Day did big things in Louisville, Kentucky this summer. She completed an internship with a Christian non-profit organization, Love Thy Neighborhood (LTN), doing outreach through their ministry, Sojourn Arts. Abigail applied her major, Community Arts, by engaging the community through artistic projects like painting an abstract mural with

Coffee House Confusion
Nothing beats the wonderful smell of coffee and hot chocolate. As I walked into the Heritage Hall Great Room, reminiscing about the time I spent there my freshman year four years ago, I smiled at the number of students present at Friday’s Missions Coffee House. To be honest, I

Response to the Syrian Crisis– Welcoming the Refugee
My first experience with refugees came in the summer of 2002. This came about while serving on a short-term missions trip teaching English to Iraqis registered with the UN’s Refugee division (UNHCR). These Iraqis were hoping to be resettled in the U.S., Australia, or Canada, so learning English was a