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We are His Poem: A Discussion of Worth
If you were in chapel last Wednesday (March 8th), you know how good it was. If you weren’t there, you definitely missed out. I am not alone in my opinion that this past chapel was one of the best hours I have ever spent on campus. While I could go on

Prayer After Hours
My knees are calloused, and my shoulders tense. Four missed calls, eight voicemails. (Not as many as You though) One migraine, two broken hearts, three unpaid bills five dimes, six forgotten, seven not known… no hope. Call me hunchback; maybe it’s my posture or maybe You don’t care, but the

The Lord is my Cairn
The LORD is my Cairn; I shall not be moved. He makes me lie down in soft dorm beds. He leads me beside still ponds. He restores my grade. He guides me down a different path For his name’s sake. Even though I walk through dark halls Toward final