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A Step Away from Ignorance
If I hadn’t looked it up, I wouldn’t know which party he was from. Joe Pitts doesn’t talk like a politician. His voice is little more than a whisper. No grand gestures, no promises. I don’t know quite what I was expecting when I snuck in, late as always, into

Looking Forward
The 2016-2017 academic year is drawing to a close: final exams are around the corner, final projects are in full swing, and the last days of classes are in a progressive countdown. Interesting events have taken place this past year in the political/social news, national news, and even changes on our own

2016 is Not a Person: A Thought on Providence
As the year draws to its close tomorrow night, we are all given the opportunity to reflect on all of the highs and the lows of 2016. From racial tensions, the presidential election, and the deaths of so many beloved individuals, it is safe to say that 2016 has been

Response to the Syrian Crisis– Welcoming the Refugee
My first experience with refugees came in the summer of 2002. This came about while serving on a short-term missions trip teaching English to Iraqis registered with the UN’s Refugee division (UNHCR). These Iraqis were hoping to be resettled in the U.S., Australia, or Canada, so learning English was a

Mr. Trump, Politics, And A Fresh Look At Scripture
We can all probably agree that we haven’t been able to scroll through Facebook, read the front page of a newspaper, or watch five seconds of the news without seeing Donald Trump’s face. It is clear that much of the student body and faculty is shocked about the GOP presidential