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Res Life ARD…the who what now?
I think we all know who the ARDs are, even if we don’t recognize them. They’re that person who you know works with the RAs, but you never see them on rounds. They’re that person who is at every RHA event, but seem as if they’re doing everything other than just enjoying

Penndel Then & Now
As we reach the end of December, Resident Life is just as excited as our students to end this semester on a good note. From football parties and spa nights to the collaborating with Student Programs to create the Highlander Games, Resident Life has been working extremely hard to enhance

Meet Chrystal Keating
hrystal Keating grew up in the Bucks County area and attended Messiah College for a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. She also had the opportunity to study abroad at Oxford University growing her love of travel and other cultures. While at Messiah, Chrystal was very involved in residence life