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Reflection on Fall
I love taking walks during the fall. There’s a crispness in the air, and a feeling of fresh starts. The sun still shines down, but the breeze keeps me cool without chilling me to my bones. Leaves that have already fallen crunch under my feet with a satisfying snap. The

My Year on the Nexus Team
As my third year at Cairn quickly comes to an end, I feel the need to discuss and reflect on my year-long role as a student ambassador. Last April, I was recommended to apply for a student worker position in the Welcome Center. Being the extroverted person I am, I

Men’s Volleyball Season of Growth
The crowd was screaming. Students were on their feet, clapping slowly, watching the volleyball bounce back and forth over the net. The score was close, and the men’s volleyball team found themselves in the fifth set; there would be no second chances at winning once this set was over. Finally,

Looking Forward
The 2016-2017 academic year is drawing to a close: final exams are around the corner, final projects are in full swing, and the last days of classes are in a progressive countdown. Interesting events have taken place this past year in the political/social news, national news, and even changes on our own

I Shout From the Crowd
So it is Holy Week once again. From the time I was little, I have known everything about the Easter story. I read the Bible, the children’s books, and watched all of the Veggietales episodes. I had seemingly exhausted the entire crucifixion and resurrection story. So, NEXT! Time

Brisbane, Australia: You Have Stolen My Heart
Not too long ago, I hopped on a plane at LAX (after a six-hour flight from Boston) to take a 14-hour flight to Brisbane, Australia. While writing this, I find myself needing to pause and really soak that in. Until June, I will live here in this beautiful and one-of-a-kind

Enactus End-of-Year RIDE Reflection
Cairn Enactus has conducted RIDE (Résumé, Interview, Dress, Etiquette) seminars and mock interviews on campus for 16 years, but this year was the best. On February 11, RIDE began with a seminar on how to conduct a job search. On February 24, RIDE mock interviews were held with over 100

We are His Poem: A Discussion of Worth
If you were in chapel last Wednesday (March 8th), you know how good it was. If you weren’t there, you definitely missed out. I am not alone in my opinion that this past chapel was one of the best hours I have ever spent on campus. While I could go on

The Myth of Having It All Together
What does it mean to have life all together? Does it mean that you have nothing going wrong in life at all? The first question seems to imply that every person on Earth solely controls their life on their own and that external, unforeseen events do not happen to them.

A Letter from Cairn to You
My Dear Cairn Students, Though this is altogether difficult for me to record, and requires me to tap into a source of out-of-character vulnerability, I find myself overflowing with words I wish to share with you. After decades of silence, and in finally mustering the courage, I have decided