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Dear Cairn Student
To my dearest Someone, Is it time we finally started seeing other people? Was it something I said, or a weird dream you had? You know… at this point I don’t really care. I was the best thing that ever happened to you, and you know what, I’m pretty awesome.

One week until Thanksgiving break, but who’s counting?
When friends and family ask me how my semester is going, my answer is always the same: “I am just holding out until Thanksgiving.” As an English Major, the couple weeks leading up to Thanksgiving Break are my personal, academic hell. This period of time is where all of those

Maintaining Momentum
45 days: the amount of days we have crossed off the 2016-2016 academic calendar. Have you yet to feel the momentum and positivity swing out from you? Maintaining momentum, motivation, the drive to accomplish schoolwork, and even get out of bed in the morning may all be starting to slip

5 Not-So-Secret Tips for Academic Success
There you are standing next to your mailbox you probably don’t lock, gripping that one quiz you took last week, and the score is more than disappointing. “What could I have done better?” The question flutters through your mind, and not for the first time. This question may run