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The Journey
Fall brings leaves that change from spring greens to magnificent golds and fiery reds. It also brings a brand new school year for students of all ages. This season is particularly significant for college freshmen and seniors alike – both about to embark on new journeys with exciting paths ahead.

There’s something comforting in the goodbyes shared by Christians. For truly, there is no goodbye, we will always meet again, whether in this world or in the next, we will all meet again. I have been asked to write a farewell article as my final article in the Scroll, which

A Different Post-Grad Path: The John Jay Institute
Congratulations to you seniors who are counting the days (or months) until graduation. With commencement near on the horizon, some of you may feel excited about finally putting your skills to work and moving forward in this next chapter in life. But others of you may also feel anxious or