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Fighting the Good Fight
Sports. You either love them or don’t care. From the early days of the Greek Olympics to the phenomenon that is the Super Bowl, the sporting industry is without a doubt one of the most popular topics in the world. Wherever you go, you’ll find people who are fans of

From the Outfield
There is something strange and mystic about the spring wind. No one I know of can really escape from it, the odd fuzzy feeling which seems to creep into our heads as the weather grows warmer, turning our classes into endless whirls of cinder block walls and nonsense. There is

Men’s Volleyball Season of Growth
The crowd was screaming. Students were on their feet, clapping slowly, watching the volleyball bounce back and forth over the net. The score was close, and the men’s volleyball team found themselves in the fifth set; there would be no second chances at winning once this set was over. Finally,

Looking Forward
The 2016-2017 academic year is drawing to a close: final exams are around the corner, final projects are in full swing, and the last days of classes are in a progressive countdown. Interesting events have taken place this past year in the political/social news, national news, and even changes on our own

Cairn Athletics Culture
Over the past couple of years, the culture of Cairn University Athletics has changed in better, winning ways. The Men’s soccer team led by fourth-year Head Coach Luke Gibson was one game away from qualifying for the Colonial States Athletic Conference Playoffs in the 2015-2016 season. Men’s Basketball had their

Handling Emotions as a Christian Athlete
Although people were made in Christ’s image, it can sometimes be hard to act like it. Especially when we have troublesome emotions that can rear their ugly heads in the heat of a confrontation, celebration, or tricky circumstance. What about when you not only have to handle emotions in front of

Heart and Hustle: Four Years as a Highlander
I have to be honest: it’s really hard for me to write this article. Maybe it’s because I’m not far enough removed from my senior season. Maybe it’s because I’m sad that volleyball is over, or unwilling to look towards my future as an ex-athlete, or bitter because of the

Audience of One
The crowd: cheering, yelling, clapping. The crowd is loud, encouraging, sometimes obnoxious, but all-together thrilling. And when the crowd yells a specific name, specifically your name, the electricity of the cheer becomes intoxicating. Yet what makes this crowd, this audience, so chilling and enthralling when positioned at a sports

Cairn Highlanders Gain New Sports Information Director
The Athletic Department gained a new face over the summer. Over the weekend, Matt Fenton—the Highlander’s new Sports Information Director—was kind enough to answer a few of The Scroll’s questions, allowing us to introduce you to the newest Highlander staff member. As the mind behind the Highlander’s revamped Instagram

Cairn Meets Track and Field?
Cairn Cross Country Looks Forward This April, Cairn University will embark on new territory by participating in its first Track and Field meet. The University has not recognized an official Track and Field Team. Instead, current Cross Country members, led by head coach Eric Bofinger, will be competing in a