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Feeling Stressed?
College has always been a breeding ground for stress, sickness, and overwhelming emotion. The quest for hygiene and healthy living styles in cramped, stuffy dorm rooms is difficult, but there are easy ways to combat smelly roommates and increase the health benefits of your dorm room. Now that Spring has

Maintaining Momentum
45 days: the amount of days we have crossed off the 2016-2016 academic calendar. Have you yet to feel the momentum and positivity swing out from you? Maintaining momentum, motivation, the drive to accomplish schoolwork, and even get out of bed in the morning may all be starting to slip

Overcoming the Overwhelming
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. Well right now many of us kind of feel We’ve been in school for only a week now and already many of us feel in over our heads. I’ve been wrestling over if I want to stay an English major or change to education.

Mid-Semester Stress Attack
Now that midterms are basically officially over, Cairn students enter the final stretch of the semester. Suddenly, term projects and research papers are a pressing issue, weighing down the shoulders of the student body. Project after project magically appears on your planner, important notifications zoom through the school about registration