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Enactus Plans to Light Up Cairn University
Cairn’s Enactus Team is exploring the potential for generating solar power on campus. Among the numerous other benefits would be a significant reduction in the cost of electricity used to operate our facilities. Dr. Robert Kramer, CEO of Advanced Solar Industries, who also serves as adjunct faculty in the School
Professor Shout-Outs
The best professor, in my opinion, is my Church History professor, Anthony Daved Schmidt!!! He was also my professor last semester for World History Since 1600s. Professor Schmidt was extremely organized and well versed in the subject matter. He clearly spent a lot of time in preparation, as his Power

Cairn’s Need for Prayer
“I’ll pray for you.” How often do we hear Christians saying this phrase? We spit it out like it is the only comfort we know how to give. But how often do we tell someone we will pray for them and yet forget to do so later? This is an

Why You Should Go To Games Even If You Are Not Athletic
Personally, I’m not an athletic person. My siblings played sports, but I’ve never been involved in sports aside from the year or two of soccer that I played when I was roughly ten years old. For the majority of my Cairn “career.” I have avoided sports games and matches, preferring

Blizzard Jonas = Snowmaggedon
The Blizzard of 2016 may not be a scheduled event, but it is clear to all that it is a moment in Cairn’s history. Arguably, this snow day should have been a school day so that we would have had off, but I will not complain too much. It seems

Overcoming the Overwhelming
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. Well right now many of us kind of feel We’ve been in school for only a week now and already many of us feel in over our heads. I’ve been wrestling over if I want to stay an English major or change to education.

7 Essential Tips for Staying Motivated all Semester Long
Ah, the end of Winter Break is quickly approaching. As the Spring semester closely approaches, there are some things I would like to enlighten you about to stay motivated (or at least I hope). Once the semester begins, our motivation level is usually at the top, but as the quarter

*Starry Night*
A bunch of twinkle lights can easily put me in a good mood, so it is safe to say that Starry Night left me full of joy. We have finally reached the last day of classes, and it is safe to say I am so blessed for the semester

A Taste of Home
Cairn’s SPA pulled off another wonderful coffee house and open mic night, after the successful turnout at the “New Season” event in September. The room was warm and students occupied every square foot of space in the room. It’s funny. I thought the spirit of this “taste of home” coffeehouse

The Cairn Chick-fil-A Culture
“Oh great, it’s Cairn students,” I heard my manager say as she took off her glasses to wipe her tired eyes. How often I have heard that reaction reiterated throughout my work experience at Chick-fil-A. After working there for the past two years, I watched many Cairn students saunter into