Posts Tagged
study abroad

My Camel Ate my Homework
Imagine riding a camel and sleeping under the stars in an orange desert. Maybe that’s too sandy for you, in which case, you can imagine visiting holy sites, going on a safari, or unleashing your inner Whovian. Now, imagine doing any of these things while earning college credit. This is

Being an International Student: Part 2
Welcome back to the second part of “Being an International Student”! Where I dig deep into what its like being an International student here in the U.S. Last time, we talked about my personal story on how I got here and now I’ll be explaining to you what its like

Brisbane, Australia: You Have Stolen My Heart
Not too long ago, I hopped on a plane at LAX (after a six-hour flight from Boston) to take a 14-hour flight to Brisbane, Australia. While writing this, I find myself needing to pause and really soak that in. Until June, I will live here in this beautiful and one-of-a-kind

Postcard from Oxford: Why Studying Abroad is Terrifyingly Worth It
Dear Cairn, I am currently sitting in the oldest coffee house in England (although the café across the street would beg to differ; apparently this coffee grudge-match has been going on since 1654), drinking a latte made with Turkish espresso and eating breakfast. Which, in the traditional British manner, includes