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With the end of the semester approaching, it becomes difficult to find the motivation to complete all of those STRENUOUS tasks that all of the professors happened to schedule on the same day. How can we, as the busy college students we are, accomplish these never-ending assignments with professionalism and

  There you are standing next to your mailbox you probably don’t lock, gripping that one quiz you took last week, and the score is more than disappointing. “What could I have done better?” The question flutters through your mind, and not for the first time. This question may run

Having just survived Snowmageddon (winter storm Jonas), 2016 promises to deliver on all the prayers of snow we sent up during December. Here are some handy tips to staying warm during your treks from residence halls to class, MAC to dorm, or even just when you go outside to have fun.

Ah, the end of Winter Break is quickly approaching. As the Spring semester closely approaches, there are some things I would like to enlighten you about to stay motivated (or at least I hope). Once the semester begins, our motivation level is usually at the top, but as the quarter

Fall break steadily approaches, but with it comes the ever-dreaded midterms. Mid-semester projects, tests and papers start sneaking up on the student body, poking and prodding students to late night studying, endless coffee cups and binging Netflix TV shows. With professors reminding us about upcoming tests, papers and even projects