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From Deepest Despair to Unspeakable Joy
The Gospel Choir’s first full concert was a night full of worship and the culmination of several people’s hard work. Ruth Naomi Floyd opened with a brief introduction, explaining the birth of gospel music. African slaves, in their deepest despair, lifted their songs and lifted their heads to God. The

Constructing a Castle of Meaning
One of the most beautiful places I have ever visited is Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. Its stonewall Medieval architecture and fine, elaborate details never cease to mesmerize me. At night, I marvel at its elegant iridescence as hues of pink and blue glow amid a blanket of pitch black. This

Worship at Cairn
Cairn is a nondenominational university, opening its doors to students from every branch of Christianity. This mixing of students gives many the opportunity to broaden their horizons and challenges their beliefs in a way that will strengthen their faith. However, this challenging of faith occasionally leads to friction. The most

From Pain to Praise…
This past Wednesday evening I had the privilege of attending Deion Payton’s Senior Presentation, “From Pain to Praise!” This performance featured music from composers such as Mozart, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Faure, and included a 30-voice Gospel Choir, as well as some of Deion’s own original compositions. Music has always been a

Confessions of a Jesus-Doubter
Lately I have been doubting the worth of my relationship with God. Let’s be real here; we all have periods of doubt where we question whether or our faith in Jesus Christ is really worth all of the struggles that accompany that confession of faith. Because of this doubt,

Coming Back to the Heart of Worship
As the semester nears its halfway point and the weather begins to crawl upwards of a constant 40 degrees or less, the words “spring break” evolve from whispers of a distant future to full-fledged conversation. The unofficial halfway point of the semester is, for me at least, a time for

Is there a better time than N.O.W?
A room full of young adults, ranging from freshmen to seniors, all gathered together for one common purpose: to worship God. Taking time not only to sing in a collective group, but also to read from His word and pray for one another. If this type of environment interests you,

The Scandal of Grace
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about Before I go any further, to show you grace, if you do not like reading but found yourself here, I will give you my main points. First, I feel we talk about grace and love to the point where it is almost