The Scrawl: A Match Made on Campus

Written by our newest Scroll member, Morgan Steele!
Christmas has always been a time to remember Jesus’ birth and reflect on the Lord’s abundant blessings… and to have a romantic moment with that significant other. If you don’t have one, no worries. This is the time where Christmas magic can make anything happen– no matter how far-fetched. One of our very own Cairn couples has had a Christmas romance unlike any other. Their story is so unique that they sold the rights to their story to Hallmark! Holly and Barry met on campus and were engaged within just two months. If you’re wishing you were in their ficticious shoes, here are some tips from the couple on how you can have your own Cairn Christmas romance:
Guys, if you ever meet a city girl who is constantly stressed and hates Christmas, this is your time to shine. Help her pick out a tree for her dorm, decorate it, and she’ll be falling into your arms.
Girls, beware: he might be a prince and you’ll be really angry at him for not telling you…that he has a lot of money and a nice castle, but eventually you’ll realize life as royalty (when you don’t have to pay for tuition) isn’t so bad.
If you happen to meet a man on the Walkway who suspiciously looks like Santa Clause and gives you life advice, take it.
Time doesn’t matter during Christmas because it’s after finals. If you just met a girl a couple weeks ago and think it’s time to pop out a ring– do it! You can beat the ring-by-spring rush and have a Christmas proposal.
Always go ice skating (try the pond–if you can avoid the geese). Doesn’t matter if it’s 90 out, you don’t know how to skate, or you don’t actually like each other. Just go.
Girls, if you’re going home to a small town for Christmas and leaving your boyfriend, save him the pain and break up now.
Guys, if you like a girl who is in a relationship, well… Dr. Hurst is the expert on that.
Girls, you should always have a roommate who will support following your whims, even if it means helping you forget you have a boyfriend.
Don’t pull out the ring until the snow has started falling.
Guys, if she’s angry at you then grand acts of romance like traveling across the country, stopping her at the airport, or showing up Manor with a ring are sure ways to make her forget all of your faults.
Our Cairn Hallmark movie is debuting this Christmas season! Keep an eye out for it during your Christmas break.
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