Timing is Everything: Plan Your Passion

It’s Monday morning. Jill’s phone alarm goes off at 5:30 a.m., but she is already downstairs on the treadmill getting in a 30-minute workout before the work day gets crazy busy. After a quick shower and a protein-packed smoothie with avocado toast, Jill heads to the office just ahead of rush hour traffic. It’s 7:30 a.m., and Jill is reviewing the day’s schedule of appointments, meetings, and projects. As she ponders the to-do list, Jill glances over at her Bible, and prepares for a 20-minute devotion before her colleagues arrive. Jill is thankful for having the foresight to plan her passion while in college. She is doing what she loves … and getting paid for it.
It’s Monday morning. Noah’s phone alarm goes off at 6:30 a.m., but he hits the snooze for just a few more minutes of sleep; not once, but twice. He realizes he is going to run late for work … again, but he dreads going into the office and facing that mound of paperwork and needy clients. No time for breakfast, just a quick shower, and out the door. Rush hour traffic is brutal this morning. Noah realizes he is going to have to call the office and let them know he will be late again. Noah sees a client and her crying kid already in his office waiting for him. Hunger pangs are making Noah’s stomach growl, but all he can do at this point is grab a cup of coffee from the vending machine. He thinks to himself, “How did I get here?”
On the same morning, two different individuals began their day. Which person do you want your future self to be more like? It may seem like a silly question now, but according to J.T. O’Donnell, Founder and CEO of WorkItDaily.com, nearly 70% of workers are dissatisfied with their jobs. So you need to ask yourself, what gets you up in the morning? What’s your passion in life? If you plan for your passion now, I’m talking about the things that drive you to do what you do with passionate joy, rather than mere obligation, then you will not fall into the 70% category of dissatisfied workers. I believe it was Mark Twain who said, “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
Spring ’19 Job Fair / March 27th 10a-2p / MAC / careercenter@cairn.edu
Written by Teri Catanio and Jennica Mendoza
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