What It’s Like Being Jeff Eubank’s Daughter

My Dad: You may know him as Professor, the illustrious Cairn University Business Director, or the Eubank girls’ Dad. Whatever hat he goes by, I’d like to introduce him to you again as I see him and explain what it is like going to school where your Father works.
First, let me direct your attention to the most thrilling of all subjects: Accounting.
A side note for the reader: I missed the math gene altogether and my family never lets me forget it; but fortunately, my sister has eclipsed my faults with her abilities and hence balanced the Eubank family universe. But let me keep going…
To make this topic of income statements and balancing debits and credits even more exciting (I’m so glad I’m an English major) … guess who the professor is? Yes, yes. My Dad. I have not had the pleasure of sitting under his tutelage, so I asked Carly (my sister, a Sophomore here at Cairn) what it’s like to have your Dad be your Prof. She said two fascinating things: the first being, “You can’t call him Dad” and the second, “You can’t suck up.” I could just end this here, letting it stand on its own, but I feel the need to explain the impact of these statements on you, as the student body. My Father is not only professional, but also fair. Do you know how hard it is to be professional and fair when your daughter is sitting in the class ready to tell Mom about your teaching style snafus and/or waiting after class to ask for 5 bucks to spend? This balance is difficult to achieve, my friends. Out of all the positions Dad holds at Cairn, I believe I have the most conversations with other students about him as a Professor. But from my conversations with others who have had my Dad as his or her instructor (though the student is always carefully veiled and overly positive), I gather that he loves what he does and he loves his students equally. And knowing this man, I wouldn’t doubt the truth of it for a second.
The next hat my Dad dons is not just his Eagles one, but his most serious and sincere “Mr. Eubank, Business Director.” I must say I enjoy seeing my Dad at school. Being able to stop in his office, grab lunch in between classes and meetings, and check in on what’s going on at home is a nice feature. I even have easy access to car keys, spare change, or leftover meals packed for Carly or I by my Mom.
To be honest with you though, the knowledge of his position at Cairn at first dissuaded me from applying. In 2012, I wanted to be “my own person” (whatever that means) and at the risk of using too many clichés in one sentence, “do my own thing.” With this attitude in mind, I didn’t fully realize the benefit of having a confidant and friend in my Dad.
I’m most definitely not saying every kid coming to college should bring his or her parent along or that it works out for every personality type. I feel that I should say if your mom or dad does not have the luxury to work where you work or go to school, don’t read this piece with jealousy or tears. Many have said to me how much they appreciate their parents more once they live elsewhere and can come home on breaks. I’ve never experienced this, but as stated, I get the appeal – both sides have their definite benefits and pitfalls.
But please understand, for me, it took some time to realize the blessing of having someone who has known me since birth at such a close proximity. Dad’s office offered me a safe place in the rush and newness of Freshman year, the monotony of Sophomore year, and the difficulty of Junior year. Now, as a Senior, I can walk away from Cairn with a couple of degrees and the knowledge that I have a Dad who puts his work down when I walk into the room, no matter what.
I get the whole “I am an adult now. I don’t need my parents” vibe; I’ve felt that too. When I did, I could just walk right on by Business Services. But what I want to convey to you is that my Dad never walked by me without asking about my day and how I was. It’s that kind of experience that has made me appreciate having a parent so close – a parent who is willing to give you your space but leaves his door open when the space seems too oppressive.
Finally, I can’t end this piece without a nod to my Dad as, well, my Dad. You may all know him by these other titles, but he has always been and always will be the one who embellished “Fuzzy Wuzzy” stories before bedtime, turned the CD player all the way up in the car so we could all sing Steven Curtis Chapman, and taught my sister and I to live a life on our knees. I love walking in the hallway with him and hearing students say “Hi Mr. Eubank!” before they even realize I’m there. It is that kind of legacy that inspires me to live in honor of his work and reputation at Cairn.
The cliché of “my Dad is my hero” doesn’t do justice to the pride I have in being his daughter. I am by no means the most popular, friendly, or hard working person at this school, but I live in light of a man who is.
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