Working on Campus

Okay, so chances are, you know someone who works on campus. It’s a pretty common thing here at Cairn, especially because many of the departments that we have here on campus are run and led by student workers. Student workers have become an integral part of Cairn University and is a great activity for you because working while being on campus is a great way to fill your schedule and get working experience for your resume (all while getting paid, of course). Now, this article serves both to help you find a job that suits your schedule, skills, and future career as well as to show appreciation for the student workers on campus.
If you like the foodservice industry:
Working in the dining hall is always a great choice if you’re planning on pursuing a career in the restaurant/food service industry. And due to the growing nature of our university and the many events that we have on campus, the dining hall is always in need of workers to help out so that we can enjoy the best possible dining experience on campus. And as we all know, being able to eat is kind of important for human beings. Some positions that are available in the dining hall include working the dishwasher, the card checker, pizza station, cleaning tables, etc. And honestly, working in the Dining hall is great because they have flexible work hours and the work you’ll be doing is beneficial for the whole campus!
If you like working outdoors:
Our Campus Services team is one of the most important elements of our university. Imagine a snow day without them clearing the road, a fall season without them blowing the leaves from the walkway, a soccer game without them clearing the weeds beforehand. Campus Services is the backbone of maintenance in our university and their work is really what enables Cairn University to run smoothly throughout the year. You will be working mostly outdoors in Campus Services so be prepared to face the elements if you do end up working there!
If you like to work in an administrative setting:
There are plenty of jobs on campus that require administrative skills and organization. For example, I work as a Nexus ambassador for admissions! Although people have the idea that working an office job is boring and monotonous, I would disagree; there’s a certain satisfaction that you get with every task completed, not to mention the benefits of working in an organized setting. If you feel like organization management and administration is the line of work for you, places such as the ARC, the Schools’ offices, and admissions might be the best places to look out for. The different schools and admissions do rarely have job openings so be on the lookout for them!
If you like writing:
THE SCROLL! But seriously, writing is a great skill that’s often overlooked in today’s society. And we’re blessed to have an outlet for that in this university. So if you love writing and would like to be compensated for your writing, you can always submit your writing to us as a freelancer! If you like photography, we also need freelance photographers so be sure to send your work to us to get compensated as well.
If none of these jobs interest you, ask around, you never know what department may be looking for some assistance!
Whatever line of work you end up doing (or if you don’t) it’s always important that we respect the people who are working for this university to make sure that everything runs well. In the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 12:12, “There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body. It is the same with Christ.” And the same can be said for this university. No one line of work is more important because we’re all working towards basically the same goal, like gears in a machine. So do remember to treat one another with respect and do all things for the Lord!
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