Writers Unite!

Hello all you bloggers, you Tumblr dreamers and world-builders, you who sometimes prefer books to people, who have a couple characters who annoy you between classes because they want to be more developed. You, who have seen the “Short story writing competition” posters but aren’t sure whether to enter or not. Perhaps you’re a budding Dungeon Master and searching for ideas for your campaign.
If any of these sounds like you, then it’s time to face the truth: writing rocks, but it’s a beautiful sort of torture—worst if experienced alone. So, don’t be alone, dear reader. If you’re starving for words, desperate for dreams, or just want to hang out with some people who understand what it’s like to explore what kind of Point of View you enjoy writing most, saddle up your favorite literary devices, gather your scribbles and journey to the Writing Club.
We at the Writing Club are a peaceful people who burrow out from under our schoolwork on Mondays from 7-8pm to take part in a fun array of writing activities. Painting the world with our words and laughing about the components of a wizard’s stew, the members of the club spur you on past the drudgery of writer’s block or at least help get you out of your head for an hour.
Heading this society of Word Sojourners is Andrew Bastedo, our fearless leader until Katlyn Hakes returns to the throne after her stay in Northern Ireland. Some might know Andrew as a member of The Scroll, others as one of the guys in chorale, others as the winner of this fall’s Short Story competition (funny how I keep mentioning that)—I know him as the guy who wore a Frasier T-shirt to my second Writing Club meeting and I’m pretty sure we’ve been friends ever since.
So, if you’re searching for ways to spin the Ordinary into Something Extraordinary but can’t seem to catch any inspiration, we cordially invite you to our awesome space reserved for pursing the very edges of imagination. Grab a notebook, your lucky gel pen and join the Writing Club for our weekly gatherings Monday nights in BL234 at 7-8pm if you’re interested in sharing your writerly ideas with fellow nerds or want to badger them about what Ordinary things they find Significant.
On a completely unrelated note, dear readers, the Short Story Competition submissions are due April 10th. See the library page for more details!
1 Comment
Thanks so much for mentioning me and my baby (The Writing Club)! I’m glad you’re enjoying your time and I can’t wait to get back to see you all!