Comet in the Dark

Written by Cornelia Schmit
Who am I in this darkest place? not
enough light then to see my own
reflection my skin is sticky with mud I
can’t get clean
sand embedded deep beneath my fingernails, trapped
between my toes
Who am I and how do I go on? there is no crawling out
from the deep crevasse womb of earth crushing
pressure almost put of breath my lids are heavy laden with dust and stone
“Father take me home”
When You finally wipe away the night the pale
stars blind me (wash me clean) sky swirling
with stars van gogh verschuier streaking
comet hisses leaves me warm (guide my feet)
you set my heart back to beating and tell me “not yet”
I praise You for this a
vision of beauty now in the pit the
depths the belly of the beast I close
my eyes & feel your embrace now
in the pitch dark I see stars
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