Heritage Idol

On Friday night, most of Cairn came out to watch this year’s Heritage Idol, a singing competition in which students perform for the chance to win a plaque, a $50 gift card, and, of course, bragging rights. This year, nine contestants sang a wide variety of songs, including Jazz, Pop, and Broadway, among others. Many contestants inspired energetic participation from the crowd with snapping, clapping, and singing along. The audience watched as contestants offered touching tributes and some, such as Erika Scott, who performed for the first time. At the end of the first round, the judges deliberated in another room. The contest was judged by Aby Silverio, Martha Holland, and Dwayne Laidler. They selected AJ Narvaez, Harrison Green, and Alexa Slawter to continue into the final round.
After all three finished their second song, the crowd decided the winner. QR codes were placed around the Great Room so people could vote on their phones. Harrison Green, who sang two original songs, was the winner and recipient of the plaque and gift card.
Some members of the audience expressed concern regarding the way a winner was chosen. They say that having the crowd choose the final winner made the show a popularity contest rather than a fair contest based on singing ability. One person commented, “While Harrison was great, don’t get me wrong, half of the crowd cheered for him before he opened his mouth. With that many supporters in the audience, popularity had to have been a factor.” These members of the audience did have a point which perhaps should be taken into consideration for next year. However, Harrison did appear to be a crowd favorite. Congratulations on the win, Harrison.
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