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Just a Prayer

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Written by Mateo Garzon

How can one feel peace when one is anxious? How can one feel loved and love others when one is alone and hateful towards his brothers? How can one feel hope when one is in this darkness? I simply cannot. I soak in my anger and bitterness; my flesh shakes a fist at You! Did that satisfy? No, there is nothing I can do that will make me feel peace, to show love and feel cherished, or feel hope. Only through You, Father could one be satisfied. Only through You could one feel peace. Only through you would one feel hope. One cannot love without You, for Father, You are Love. Condemned is my soul, without You, I would be nowhere, but a desolate purposeless husk of a life. There would be no peace, if you hadn’t sent Your son, the very Prince of Peace, gift me the fruit of peace, through the spirit, who the Father sent to work within and through me.  The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, oh merciful God, how I feared that one day you would take all that is mine. How arrogant was I to reject the Creator, dead is the old man, I beg for you to take all of me, every last drop of who I was, and give me You! Father, Son, and Spirit fill me with Your bountiful glory, so that I may love like You love, love others like You loved a wretch like me, and let me shine nothing other than You. Only through the never-ending grace of my merciful God, was the new man born. Blessed is the power of God. Holy is the King of kings. Righteous is the God of god, with the mercy to change hearts, an abundance of grace to forgive all, the power to move mountains. How perfect is the Trinity. How perfect is my God. Blessed is God my God. Amen.

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