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Glorifying God On and Off the Court
SEQUINO: What is your first memory of playing basketball? GOODMAN: My first memory of playing basketball was probably when I was four years old and there was a YMCA by my house that my parents coached at. My little sister, who was only three years old at the time, also

Stop Putting God in a Box
This past summer was a major season of reflection: a season of looking back on all that was taught in previous years, taking it in, and thanking God for everything that was learned so far. Without a doubt in my mind each year is another opportunity and chance to allow God to

The Bible is Not a Textbook, So Stop Quizzing Me On It
A mere two weeks away from the close of my junior year, the amount of credits that I have left to complete is certainly dwindling. I realized while scheduling out my senior year that I have completed significantly more courses than I have left to take, which is a wonderfully

I Shout From the Crowd
So it is Holy Week once again. From the time I was little, I have known everything about the Easter story. I read the Bible, the children’s books, and watched all of the Veggietales episodes. I had seemingly exhausted the entire crucifixion and resurrection story. So, NEXT! Time

We are His Poem: A Discussion of Worth
If you were in chapel last Wednesday (March 8th), you know how good it was. If you weren’t there, you definitely missed out. I am not alone in my opinion that this past chapel was one of the best hours I have ever spent on campus. While I could go on

Why Beauty is Ugly and How to Redeem It
A few years ago, I shared an article on my Facebook page entitled “Not Everyone is Beautiful.” I was immediately hooked because of its controversial title—I can appreciate a little political incorrectness—and was even more struck by its content. You can go read it for yourself HERE, but the gist

2016 is Not a Person: A Thought on Providence
As the year draws to its close tomorrow night, we are all given the opportunity to reflect on all of the highs and the lows of 2016. From racial tensions, the presidential election, and the deaths of so many beloved individuals, it is safe to say that 2016 has been

Trusting God When You Don’t Understand
We all have moments in life where we get stressed, doubtful, and start to question God’s timing and plans. We think thoughts like “No God, I’m pretty sure you got this part of my life wrong; this isn’t how it’s supposed to go.” …As if our plans for our

What My Concussion Has Taught Me
There has been a somewhat epidemic raging our campus. It is not something you can catch in the air, but it almost seems that you can. I, like so many others, have a concussion. Even as I am writing this article now, I am having a difficult time as my

Confessions of a Jesus-Doubter
Lately I have been doubting the worth of my relationship with God. Let’s be real here; we all have periods of doubt where we question whether or our faith in Jesus Christ is really worth all of the struggles that accompany that confession of faith. Because of this doubt,