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An Unorthodox Night
On Friday, February 7th, crowds filled the ADR to witness the incredible talent of fellow students. Unlike Heritage Idol, this was not a competition. Instead, it was a fun night to relax and enjoy the fellowship of the student body. When Sean Ellis described his own act, he called it

Heritage Idol
On Friday night, most of Cairn came out to watch this year’s Heritage Idol, a singing competition in which students perform for the chance to win a plaque, a $50 gift card, and, of course, bragging rights. This year, nine contestants sang a wide variety of songs, including Jazz, Pop,

From Deepest Despair to Unspeakable Joy
The Gospel Choir’s first full concert was a night full of worship and the culmination of several people’s hard work. Ruth Naomi Floyd opened with a brief introduction, explaining the birth of gospel music. African slaves, in their deepest despair, lifted their songs and lifted their heads to God. The

For All the Saints?
In Opera Theater’s For All the Saints?, students performed a variety of skits from several different musicals. These performances used very few props, making them remarkable and allowing the audience to stay focused on the acting. Opera Theater intends to grow students’ acting abilities by removing the crutch that props

Colors as Time: a Jazz Concert
Some people might frown at the idea of two hours of jazz, but there were no frowns on the faces of the people that sat through the Colors as Time concert at Cairn Friday night on October 20th. Colors as Time is a new and upcoming jazz band started by

From Pain to Praise…
This past Wednesday evening I had the privilege of attending Deion Payton’s Senior Presentation, “From Pain to Praise!” This performance featured music from composers such as Mozart, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Faure, and included a 30-voice Gospel Choir, as well as some of Deion’s own original compositions. Music has always been a

Coming Back to the Heart of Worship
As the semester nears its halfway point and the weather begins to crawl upwards of a constant 40 degrees or less, the words “spring break” evolve from whispers of a distant future to full-fledged conversation. The unofficial halfway point of the semester is, for me at least, a time for