Whiteboard Calendar

Someone donated
A whiteboard calendar.
Fill in the numbers, write your agenda. Make the
Month yours.
Someone had written in the numbers
For the months
But there were slashmarks through days
Instead of
I looked at the month they’d written:
“July 2020”
I realized
The slashmarks
Were probably to keep
Endless cycles of days straight.
Meaning out of meaninglessness
Another day has passed
The bare minimum, declared in dry erase ink.
Half the month remain “unslashed.”
I was there the day time lost its meaning
It might have been a different 24 hours for each of us all
But it clung to us eventually.
I sighed and
Grabbed a paper towel and Windex.
Wiped away the dread of days now gone
No one to remember them by
Wipe by wipe.
If only it was that simple,
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